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Meddelser fra DMT FIFA-Online

Members Update
22-12-2006 af MeogmE/John
News from the world
A couple of players has left, and a pair has joined.

I am sorry to announce that DMT now has only 13 players.

2 of them are admins. Me and Jesper.

Some of the players who left are: Vidar, Cruzader and SpeZ.

The players who has joined are: D-Fear, Totti and N-emy

Also some other negotiations have been started. With whom is kept inside the management

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We lost 12-8 to a pretty good polish clan
15-09-2006 af Jesper
Well a narrow defeat against a good polish clan is acceptable for tonight ... we will take our revenge on someone else shortly

7,1¦ 0InFection Multigaming 7 12:O80 DMT 7¦0 7¦0 Puyol 7[4:2 4:2]0 Aabamanden 7¦07¦0 Xavery7[5:0 4:0]0Kode  7¦0 Pitek 7[6:1 3:0]0 Vidar 7¦0 Matikes 7[0:7 1:4]0 Cruzad 7¦0 Gilu7[1:2 2:5]0 Birthek 7,1¦'


gg guys

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Wouw ... we actually won again...
11-09-2006 af Jesper/Tecos
Victory for DMT
Another victory for our clan. This time against debutants from Venezuela - Fox Team. Some forfeits from their team helped us on the way, but both BirtheK and Cruzader secured victories for us.

The topic is 'ESL.EU CW | DMT vs. Fox [16:04] | Cruzader-ricar [5:0][3:1] | Vidar-diego92 [3:5][2:4] | BirtheK-totti [3:2][2:0] | DMT4-Fox4 [5:0][5:0] | DMT5-Fox5 [5:0][5:0]' (set by fox|diego92)

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